I was born in Miaoli County, Taiwan, and I am one of the mountain people. I grew up surrounded by nature, away from the chaos of modern life, and much of my inspiration comes from those early years. At the age of fifteen I moved to Taichung, one of the major cities in Taiwan, for high school. That is when I had my chance to really immerse myself in the modern world of concrete, technology, and humanity. Everything the city had to offer caused me to reflect inwards. After graduating from high school I moved into university life and majored in computer science because I wanted to take a look into this new exciting field that everyone talked about. Two years later I decided to quit, for all I saw in computers were numbers. I knew then it was not something I wanted to do, that my heart was not in coding. My interests were in art and I transferred, not really knowing what I was getting into. However, as I went on, I knew I had made the right choice. In art I have found my passion and motivation, and I look forward to where it will lead me.
Many of the subjects of my exploration come from nature itself. The shapes, the colors and the dynamics from nature had been engraved in my soul before I ever realized it. It does not take much to access that part of myself, to access nature and merge it with what I am as a human. Further, my focus lies mostly on the outlines and the shapes of the subjects, in the symbolism, the feelings and impressions. I try not to be constrained with one material, format, or delivery, that any material might help me represent what is in my mind. My process highlights the combinations that create different textures and shapes that come from what it is as a subject and what I am as a part of nature. I hope to never lose the hold, the possession that creating art has for me.